Zoe's Life and Loves

This is the blog of Zoe,a black and tan miniature dachshund. She began her life with a family who surrendered her to the SPCA where I got her soon before her 2nd birthday. She has been a perfect pet since :).

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Dachshund Fun

Well, today was fun but tiring. Now, I am poopered out!

First, Mommy and Daddy surprised me with a trip to a huge store! It wasn't full of pet stuff though. This was Daddy's favorite store... Home Depot! Mommy held me the whole time and tons of people showed me loving :).

Then, we came home and Mommy gave me a yummy treat that took me a whole hour to eat!

Then, the day just kept getting better! Mommy took me to see other dachsies at the park. We get to see my dachsie friends about once a month but I have never met them at a park before! I made a new friend too. His name was Elmo. He is a 4 mth. old puppy. Elmo is deaf so he doesn't bark a lot like me and the other dogs. He is such a cutie though and we had fun playing.

After that, we got to come back home for dinner and naps! That's what I am about to get back to as soon as I am done typing! I wish I had taken some pics of my fun time today. I think someone else did so maybe I will add some pictures to here later!

Off to go sleepies...


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